Mario Immig

Gina Immig
Gina has supported her father in his projects her entire life. It is important to understand that Mario mostly does not work on ordinary assignments, but is usually hired by companies when they encounter a problem and cannot find a solution. Mario has always approached problems in unconventional ways that are simultaneously easy to implement: “Can’t be done” doesn’t exist for him. Additionally, he is regularly commissioned with the planning and realization of experimental and future-oriented buildings.
For Gina’s 18th birthday, she was allowed to make a wish with her idea-generating father. Instead of asking for an item or a trip, she immediately chose a joint project.
A project or product that should sustainably improve the lives of her generation and future generations.
Several weeks later, Mario watched a TV debate show about climate change and the lack of solutions for the energy transition. After the show, he couldn’t sleep because he was convinced that there must be processes for generating electricity that hadn’t been considered at all yet… And he was right… Because that night, he invented the Traffic-Wall. When Gina found out, she was of course thrilled. She immediately realized that the realization of the Traffic-Wall would be the birthday wish project. In the following months, they delved deeply into the topic of energy generation. With their unconventional approach, they were able to design three other groundbreaking energy generation systems in close collaboration that will revolutionize electricity production (the Enair-Cube, the Enair-Charge, and the Enair-Bottle).
All energy generation systems are now patented!